Thursday, June 26, 2008


Ruby's hair is finally long enough for a couple cute little curly pigtails.

She's very mad at me in this picture because I wouldn't give her the camera. I'm a very mean mama. She's also showing off all her 8 teeth (some just poked through so they're hard to see) and the swollen spots for the other two that are working on coming.

I've been meaning to show you the father's day book that Ruby gave John. You can see a picture of it on his blog. They both think its hysterical. I'm just so proud that I found a great picture of Flight of the Conchords that I could use.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Megan...I'm going to get Apples For Jam asap. My favorite genre is cookbooks with stories, or stories with recipes. If you like these too here are a few titles to check out..
The Taste of Country Cooking
Edna Lewis

Read it and Eat
Sarah Gardner

Blue Jelly
Debbie Bull

Walking on Walnuts
Nancy Ring

Ruby Ann's Down Home Trailer Park Cookbook...R.A. Boxcar

There are too many to mention...I can lend you some. Take care...