Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy First Birthday, Rubylove!

Warning: The above video is long - about 5 minutes, but I just couldn't cut anything out. It's Ruby's first year in pictures. Enjoy!

Our little baby girl is one! We can hardly believe it. This year has been far more intense than we ever would have imagined. The challenges have been harder and scarier and the love and laughter so much richer than I ever thought possible. I feel so lucky to be Ruby's Mama. It is incredible to watch her grow and it seems she does something new every day. It's funny, as a teacher, when parents were amazed at things their children did, I would nod and say, "Everything just clicked, thats the way it happens." Which is true. But to see it happen is a whole other experience. To see this tiny little baby that seemed so helpless grow into a walking, giggling, talking, communicating person in just a year, is beyond words. Actually, beyond words is really how mothering feels to me. I feel more myself now than I ever have. Although I have many moments where I wonder how I got to this point - I still feel like I'm 20 or so - how am I a mama to someone?, I still feel so grateful to be in this role and to be able to enjoy it so much.

One year ago we wondered what Ruby would be like (and we still do), but she is already showing us that she is smart, funny, snuggly, generous, and a voracious reader. A few days ago, John had Ruby on his lap and he said, "She doesn't understand everything that I say yet." Ruby smiled, nodded, then laughed. We're just beginning to learn all about who Ruby is and what she can do. We are excited (and a little sad that she's not a baby anymore) to see her as a toddler.

Happy First Birthday, Rubylove!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

we &hearts books!

We all love books in this house. This is Ruby asking John to read her this book. She practically jumped off my lap to take it to him & crawl up into his lap.

I recently discovered the Meet the Author series on itunes U. I really wish I knew about this when I was in the classroom. Ruby is too young to enjoy it now, but I have downloaded a bunch to my ipod to watch. All the videos are FREE. I've only watched one so far- the Jack Prelutsky one, and it was good, but not something I would have shown my kindergartners. So, if you're a teacher, these should be previewed, of course. Just in case you aren't as obsessed with children's literature as I am and you wouldn't watch these for fun.

Oh yeah, we checked out this book by Mary Azarian from the library recently, which I love. It is so gorgeous! It reminds me of Nikki McClure's work - I guess because of the style of art, but also how she makes the everyday tasks we do seem beautiful and important.

Friday, May 23, 2008

bebe organic

picture by Pikaluk
John recently emailed me this article about a scientifically sound study done on babies whose mama's ate/drank organic dairy while pregnant & nursing. Amazing stuff.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

famous friend

Check out my friend, Randy, on Jay Leno last night (May 20). He's in the 2nd segment with Ed Asner.

food, again

I did not take this picture - its from flickr. I don't seem to be able to take appetizing food pictures.

I recognize that I have A LOT more time in my life than I used to when teaching for living the way I'd like to. I know that most people do not have as much time at home as I do. BUT, we all do make choices about how we spend some of our time. I would love to be able to spend quite a bit more time making dinner if I chose to, but usually around dinner time, there is someone in the house (I won't name names) who absolutely has to be held or will scream and make everyone miserable if she or he is simply surrounded by a bunch of toys. Preparing dinner usually has to take 30 minutes or less now. But we try really hard not to sacrifice the quality of our food just to get it on the table quickly. We don't buy packaged/processed foods anymore to speak of. No veggie burgers, etc. We can't afford to do that. We make our food from scratch and try to make it as simple as possible. We eat a lot of beans & rice w/ whatever veggies we have thrown in, or pastas, a bit of fish thrown in the oven. I think because we buy such yummy (as local as we can, organic, fresh) produce, this simple dinner procedure still ends up being fairly good most nights, without a lot of time. Here is an article that reminded me that this choice of time we have preparing food is a choice. We have the luxury of taking 30 minutes or less to make our food nowadays, which was not the case just a couple of generations ago.

Monday, May 19, 2008

photo updates

Here are some pictures of Ruby modeling her new barrettes & hat I bought from Twinkle at the craft show. So adorable! Ruby's bottom lip is constantly out now - its pretty funny.
Also, I updated the Meet Your Maker site with a few pictures from the show, if you're curious.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

the makers were met

The show was a great success! I had so much fun and it was amazing to meet so many talented people. We had lots of shoppers & the venue worked out well. Most of the crafters said they would love to do this again if we would have them. I didn't sell as much as I hoped, but most vendors did really well. I had to restrain myself from buying too much, but I did manage to get a couple things for Ruby from another Megan. Ruby is asleep for the night, so I'll have her model for me tomorrow. I got this tote bag that Amy made to sell at the shows.

Amy is my Meet Your Maker partner and celebrated her birthday yesterday too. I brought her a little treat. Rhubarb coffee cake, the recipe for it on these cards, & this little tea towel.

In other exciting news, Ruby took her first step yesterday! John & I were both there to see it. She crumpled as soon as she did it & hasn't tried again since, but it was pretty exciting. We went to her friend's 1st birthday party & I think Ruby was feeling like she wasn't getting enough attention - you know, the birthday girl was the star, and there were other babies, so Ruby had to show off a bit with her little step.

Friday, May 16, 2008

meet your maker

Tomorrow is our first craft show! It all seems so surreal. I'm trying to keep my head on straight as I rush around in spare moments gathering everything together, making last minute products & finishing up organizational details. But I am so excited about it all. Yesterday our ad came out in the Eugene Weekly, which made everything seem a bit more realistic and also left me wondering, "Is this really happening?"
You can visit the show's website to see all the details and find a list of vendors with links to their sites. We have a lot of great crafters & artists that will be there.

My life is pretty great right now, and I realize it. But it is far from perfect, although it may seem that way on the blog. I don't usually write about the moments during the day that make me question what I'm doing. But I assure you I have them. Like yesterday when glass shattered all over the kitchen floor at the same time Ruby woke up. Then when I was cleaning it up, she was trying to crawl through my barricade and get to the dustpan (which she LOVES) and then ripped up a library book. I am out of practice of all this multi-tasking! Its been a year since I left teaching and I have slowed down a lot.

Oh, here she is now - waking up a bit scared because there's a fan blowing in her room. The high is 97 here today!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

happy mother's day

My first mother's day was so wonderful. John & I were still talking about our brunch from the week before. Because John would have had to make reservations in February for us to have brunch on mother's day, I got to spread the celebration out for 2 weeks. Lucky me. John made me stuffed french toast for breakfast with yummy strawberries from the farmer's market. Then he took me out for lunch too. He and Ruby gave me this beautiful apron that I love.

I really wanted a cute apron. We have one full-length (is that what you call an apron? I have no idea) one and another that doesn't cover your shirt - which is nice to wipe my hands on, but sometimes I need a bit more coverage. I didn't know it was so obvious that I wanted an apron. I didn't think I mentioned it at all, I mean, how silly to say, right? But I guess I must have. Anyway, its adorable and I love it.
Oh yes, I also spent quite a bit of time in the hammock on Sunday. John was in Portland all day on Saturday, so it was extra nice to get some time by myself.

You really think you didn't talk about wanting an apron? - J

Saturday, May 10, 2008

books & brownies

The cookies are already gone. We did share a couple with the neighbors & John did only make a half-batch, in our defense. So last night for snack, we raided the freezer. We found some chocolate-chip cream cheese brownies. John jumped up and down when he saw them. We tried to take pictures, but you probably wouldn't want to eat them if you saw the pictures, so you have to trust us, they are delicious. I can't even give you a recipe because I combined a couple different recipes and then adapted that. So, you just have to imagine, I guess. Sorry. You'll just have to come over to have some. All I know is I have a serious sugar problem. I need to do something about that.

I've been listening a bit to the Creative Mom Podcast recently. I've only listened to it a couple times, but I liked what I heard. Anyway, I entered a little contest on the website and won a book!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ruby's talking!

This weekend as I was heading out to the grocery store - by myself! I never would have thought that would have been so fun. Maybe I need another hobby or something, it sounds like I have no life. Anyway, I was waving and saying bye-bye to Ruby as she waved back and then she said bye! A couple days later, John picked up a banana to give her and he was saying, "banana, banana" & Ruby said, "bababa". I know, it's not baNaNa, but she had the right inflection and everything. And wasn't just going babababababa, like she sometimes does. Yesterday we were looking at a photo of a cat. I was saying, "Cat, meow." Ruby said, "eeoh, eeoh" very high-pitched, like how I was saying meow. Today she said "oof" when she pointed to a picture of a dog.

She and I went to the library today for a puppet show. While we were waiting for it to start, she was walking (still holding on to me) and then starting pulling books off the shelf. All of a sudden she found The Backward Day, remember that book? She did too (we returned it to the library). She was sooooo excited. She looked at me in disbelief, then opened it up to find the funny little boy and did a little dance. Oh, I was so proud.

As I was writing all this, John came up to me and asked what we were going to have for our evening snack with tea. I shrugged. Then, (man, I scored in the husband department) he said, "Can we make some quick cookies?" Um, ok. THEN, he found my favorite cookies (snicker doodles) to make. I love this man.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

cuteness I can eat

holy moly how cute is this ice cream cone cake pan?
found via

Update: Ok, I've had some time to think a little more clearly about this. It's still super cute - and here's a link. But how do you cut into this thing? I'm sure I'd find a way. Also, how do you decorate it? I don't really think my ice cream cone cakes would turn out looking nearly as good as this picture.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Alpacas & apples

John took me to Gathering Together Farm for brunch on Sunday for Mother's Day. It is the best food ever. Unless you're in Italy, maybe. We went there for my birthday too. This time we got to sit out on the patio - it was a gorgeous day. We ordered our food, then as the chef prepared it, we visited the buffet of unbelievable pastries & treats they have all made there that morning...chocolate covered donuts, rhubarb coffee cake, fruit salad with granola and yogurt, goat cheese on sourdough....
It is really hard not to fill up on all that. But I tried not to, because I knew my crepes were coming. John ordered this, which was really good too.

It was perfect - my little family, wonderful, fresh food, and sun.

After we finished our lunch, we headed across the street to visit the alpaca farm.

Ruby acted like she sees these guys all the time.

On Saturday, John & Ruby went to the farmer's market & brought home this little apple tree. Its a semi-dwarf liberty. Yum.

I know you didn't really look at the tree in that last picture, you were looking at Ruby. Who can resist? So, here's a close-up of the blossoms.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

tough stuff

Ruby and her feats of strength. - John

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Ruby has been getting 2 teeth and FINALLY one broke through. We had a horrible a couple days ago with her waking up every hour or 2 crying until about 4 am. It was like having a newborn again! But then in the morning, her tooth had finally cut the gum. Hopefully the other one will come out a little easier.

We've got a lot of feedback about the chickens!! So heres the deal. The city will only let us have two (so that will take care of the smell issue a lot of you are so concerned about). We want them for eggs only - not for meat. We'll let you know what happens. Organic chicken feed is getting expensive, so we have to figure out if it will be cost-effective to keep them. Although, how do you put a price on fresh eggs? We also have a lot of other home & garden projects so we have to prioritize.

Happy weekend! I have an early mother's day surprise waiting for me tomorrow.