Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ruby's new developments

Ruby is teething. She's getting her two top teeth at the same time and its awful for everyone. The medicine only works so well and chewing on a wet, cold washcloth (her favorite teething toy) only helps so much. These teeth are huge! And two at once, its just not fair.
She has also recently learned that she can roll onto her belly in her crib. Starting today, she is doing this constantly before she falls asleep. The only trouble is, she hasn't figured out that she can sleep on her belly. So, I keep rolling her over onto her back, she immediately goes back to her belly and cries and cries. Her first nap this morning took her an hour to fall asleep. We just did this over and over.
Here is a picture of her trying to crawl out of her crib.

I just went in to check on Ruby - still not sleeping. This is what I found:

Ruby STILL wouldn't fall asleep on her belly. She fell asleep cuddled up with me on our bed. Don't worry, there are things stacked up around her on every side so she can't roll off the bed.

Monday, February 25, 2008

ikea, i "&hearts" you

We finally made it out to our new-ish Portland Ikea this weekend. Brianne & Eddie came down for a visit, so we met them in Portland & they played with Ruby a lot so we could get some major shopping done. It was perfect. Ruby loved it there.

She's waving in this picture.

After our trip home, we had a bunch of homemade brownies that Brianne made for John's birthday. Yum! Oh, and we ran into people we knew at Ikea!

I don't know why the heart in the title is in quotes. Does anyone know how to fix that?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

She only looks sweet and innocent

Yesterday Ruby & I went over to baby Henry's house for a play date. There was another baby there who is twice Ruby's age. Now, I don't know if you've heard Ruby growl yet, but she sounds like a dragon. She makes this deep, primal, wild sound very often. Much more often than cute babbling or cooing. Sometimes I wonder about her. Anyway, she was in rare form yesterday. She was loud and scary. So scary that the older baby cried. Repeatedly. When this happened, Ruby smiled. I don't know what to say about that.

Monday, February 18, 2008

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas.

Ok, now that you have the song stuck in your head, you can keep reading.

Ruby loves, LOVES apples. She likes most food she eats, but she loves to eat apples that we eat. She likes applesauce okay, but there is nothing better than eating a whole apple. It is impossible to keep one to yourself when she's around. This weekend we were eating lunch together and shared an apple. After sucking on it for awhile and gnawing on it with her little teeth, she offered it back to me.

Just kidding!!! She cracks herself up.

When it was time to clean up lunch, the apple was missing. Apple, what apple? I haven't seen any apple.

We had a gorgeous weekend here. I think it was close to 60 yesterday, and so sunny! We spent a lot of time outside, walking by the river and soaking up the sun. Saturday, John spoke at a small farms conference. Ruby & I tagged along for the ride and visited the book and yarn shops while waiting for him.

This morning, some friends came over. There's no school today, so my teacher friends had the day off. We planned to go on a walk together, but it hadn't warmed up enough to go. It was still in the high 30s when they were here, so we hung out and listened to the babies squawk at each other. We are missing baby yoga right now, Ruby's nap usually interferes with class time, but thats ok, I'm blogging instead.

Congrats to Curt & Jill!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

the funny face captured!

Today John is working from home and he took a little break to take a walk with us to the park. It is a gorgeous day here. After our walk we walked around the house dreaming about gardening, planning where everything would go.

Ruby's funny face happened when she was watching the big kids play on the slide.

Our Valentine's was great! We had fettuccine alfredo with shrimp and salad. I made some cream-cheese chocolate-chip cupcakes, but we didn't eat any yet. We took some to our friends' house, but had to go before dessert. John & I didn't eat them last night because a neighbor brought us some, hmmm, I'm not sure what it is exactly, except that it was so much chocolatey-goodness that we couldn't even finish it. We went from no chocolate in the house a couple days ago to chocolate overload. I'm in heaven!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentine's day!

Here's our happy, well-loved little Ruby in her valentine's outfits - thanks Grandma & Nana!
I swear its spring here. We're having beautiful, sunny weather for a week at least. Its warming up into the 50s and I've seen flowers! It is so exciting. I really love living in Oregon, but by this time of year, I'm over the rain and the gray. I know it will come back. Its way too early for it to stick around, but I needed this break.
We're headed over to friends' houses tonight. The guys will make us dinner, the babies will play, and the girls will get to relax a bit??? That's the plan anyway. Hope you are all having a lovely day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ruby update

Ruby has been a busy little baby lately. She now has 2 teeth on the bottom, she is scooting forward now on her belly, and she waves! Remember when I posted about her tooth disappearing? Her gum was swollen because the new tooth was coming up. We didn't realize it - Ruby was acting normal, no teething craziness this time!
The scooting has been really fun to watch, but so frustrating for Ruby. She sticks her little butt up in the air, reaches forward and does this funny little inchworm move. It takes so much effort and she doesn't get very far very fast yet, but I'm sure its coming.
Yesterday I went to the dentist and dropped Ruby off with John at OSU. I was saying good-bye to her and she waved back. John said she waved after that to someone else too. Cute.
But the funniest thing she does, can't be explained too well. She has this surprise face that is hysterical. Her mouth is wide open and her nose & eyes scrunch up. She'll do this at the oddest times, like when we get out of the car and we're in a parking lot, or we walk into a store. She usually holds this face for several minutes, like she's never left the house before and is in total shock. Yesterday, John & Ruby were walking around campus and he said she had this face on forever. Students were walking by laughing and it didn't even phase her. Hopefully we'll be able to get a picture of it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

craft show

The craft show in Eugene was a great success! I wasn't sure what to expect, but I sold quite a few things considering how many people were there (not too many). I got lots of great feedback about the products and the display from fellow crafters. I met lots of nice people and had good conversation. There was talk of setting up a monthly craft show in Eugene geared toward younger, hipster people, and when that gets going, I'll get in on that. I learned a lot and had a great time.

John & Ruby had wonderful weather. It was warm & sunny and lovely. Luckily the room I was in was lined with windows so it was *almost* like being outside. I couldn't have done any of this without John. He's been so helpful this week getting everything together with me, playing with Ruby, so I could work a bit, encouraging, helping me remember how to use excel again....
And on Saturday, it really couldn't have happened if he were not having so much fun with Ruby on his own.

I've really enjoyed making all of this and hope that I can continue to do it. Its such a nice little hobby to make something that will help someone relax. I made some new items that I'll be posting on the site soon to sell. Keep an eye out for those - remember you can get to the site by clicking on the pictures of the items on the right of this site. And if you have any new ideas for me, let me know!

Monday, February 04, 2008


This was Ruby when she was 3 days old.

John & I had to go through all of her newborn pictures tonight. Our friends, Lane & Sam had a baby boy, Pasquale, 2 days ago. Congratulations! We went to visit them today and oh, he is just perfect. It was so wonderful to hold a new little baby and smell his sweet little smell. Its very hard to believe that Ruby was that tiny (actually tinier) 8 months ago.

Here's the little guy in a stolen picture from their website:

I hope they let us go back and visit again tomorrow before they head back up to far away Portland.

Friday, February 01, 2008

bathing beauty

When we get Ruby out of the bath every night she stares at herself in the mirror and smiles. Is she huge or what? I walked up to the pediatrician's office with her yesterday to get her weighed. We live 2 blocks away. Our doctor is still a 20 minute drive away and we really like him so we're not planning on switching, but its nice to know that there is a doctor so close. The hospital is only another block away. Anyway, we dodged rain & hail storms yesterday to get there to see what a chunk she is. She's right at the cusp of the weight limit for her car seat and theres only a 2 lb. or so overlap for the next car seat so we wanted to see if it was time to switch. Ruby (with her clothes on) weighs 20 lb. & is 27.5 in. She's actually slowing down quite a bit. Finally! She only gained about .5 lbs this last month instead of the usual 1 lb.
She's outgrowing her clothes again, but this time instead of her getting too long first, her head is too big! This kid has a huge melon and we're finding it too hard to get some of her shirts over her head now. She is so top-heavy. She can usually sit by herself fine, but I don't quite trust it because of her head seems to have its own gravitational pull.

Ruby is making a bunch of new sounds this week. She's moving her little tongue around trying to get it to do something. Its crazy to think that she'll be saying our name soon. How is she 8 months old already?
Here she is from October after bath. What a difference 3 months makes. I know its cliche, but its all happening so fast!